Childhood memories
I was born at the early 80's in a kibbutz - a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. The founders created the communal children's houses, where we spend most of our time, learning, playing and sleeping, and seeing our parents three to four hours a day in the afternoon and just before dinner.
Back in the days this common life seemed to be reasonable, and as much as it might be hard to imagine this collective life today grewing up as a child was an adventure of pure freedom surrounded by endless nature, and gave me the confidence to become the independent person I am.
When I just established my brand it took me time to say goodbye to some old worldview I was carry from the social place I came from, esthetic was only a practical thing and not something that stands alone, it was almost a shame to wear something different or special and as a young designer I found myself almost "apologize" for my whiling to make beautiful and unique clothes. But, during the years I found myself get away from this worldview and create my own road with my own perspective, along the good old memories that I will carry forever.